About Us
The Proteus Initiative works holistically, following an organic approach first developed by JW von Goethe. More depends on the way we think, on the way we see, and on our ability to open our own selves, than we may imagine. Our own stories are entwined in every movement of shift or reversal that is manifested in the world. We bring this understanding and method to the sphere of social and environmental change, activism and stewardship. Our work is an attempt to realise the consequences of true participation, of socio-ecological complexity, and of an emerging consciousness that holds freedom and responsibility as a generative polarity in the quest for wholeness.
Allan Kaplan and Sue Davidoff

Allan was the founder and former director of the Community Development Resource Association, and is the author, amongst other works, of The Development Practitioner's Handbook and Artists of the Invisible.

Sue was founder and former director of the Teacher Inservice Project, and is the author, amongst other works, of The Learning School, The Courage to Lead, and Changing your Teaching.
We are facilitators, teachers and writers.
We work in close collaboration with various individuals and organisations:
In South Africa:
Liz Smith, social eurythmist, Quella, Cape Town, South Africa
Sue Soal, social practitioner, South Africa
Keith Struthers, design through the dynamics of space and form, Natural Architecture, Cape Town, South Africa
In New Zealand and Australia:
Gael Surgenor, social practitioner and community development leader, New Zealand
Peter Westoby, community development practitioner, lecturer and writer, Brisbane, Australia
In Brazil and Argentina:
Ana Biglione, social practitioner, Noetá, Brazil
Flora Lovato, Instituto Fonte, Brazil
Tiao Guerra, social practitioner, Instituto Fonte, Brazil
Martin Bunge, consultant and social practitioner, Buhar, Argentina
Noetá - www.noeta.com.br
Instituto Fonte - www.institutofonte.org.br
Buhar - www.buhar.com.ar
In the United Kingdom:
David Harding, social development practitioner, teacher, writer, Oxford, United Kingdom
In the USA:
Craig Holdrege and Henrike Holdrege, Goethean researchers, writers and teachers, The Nature Institute, USA
Nature Institute - www.natureinstitute.org & www.netfuture.org
- Instituto Fonte www.institutofonte.org.br
- Nature Institute www.natureinstitute.org & www.netfuture.org
- The Towerland Wilderness www.towerlandwilderness.org