Artistas do Invisivel (Artists of the Invisible) – Practising a Social Sensibility by way of a Goethean Approach.

A programme of deep engagement with methods that help to reveal and encourage responsible participation in the unfolding of our living world, our social situations, and ourselves. (run in Brazil as a collaboration between The Proteus Initiative and Instituto Fonte: 2009 - 2011) This programme was a full-length, part-time, in-depth programme for those practitioners who were interested in pursuing – as well as collaboratively building – the art of social action and intervention from a more human, Goethean perspective. The next edition of this programme began in April 2013.

It was built around an exploration of the following questions.

 A social development practitioner, interested in pursuing this programme, asks the following questions:
  • How can we get connected to what is alive in others’ processes?
  • How can we develop respect for what is in the state of becoming? For what is about to come? For what is becoming, in a person, in a group, in an organisation?
  • How can we become an organ of perception? How can we develop our capacity of perceiving?
  • How can we develop a state of "not knowing", a state of questing or intentional silence that enables us to learn?
  • How can we develop the capacity of describing a situation in a way that helps the situation's essence to be revealed?
  • How can we help people to value living processes so that they trust in the process of life?”
  • These are a sampling of the kinds of questions which invoke facilitation as a social art.
The next edition of this programme will begin in April 2013